The Ortley Optic Online

Web address:
P.O. Box 6, Ortley, Roberts County, South Dakota 57256
Est. 2005 -- Michael Peterson, editor
Email: petersoncello at juno dot com

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Memorial Day

Don't forget that the Ortley VFW Post #2733 will be holding a Memorial Day Program and Potluck dinner on May 30 at BJ's Hall. The program will be held at 11:00 AM followed by a ceremony at the ceremony, weather permitting, and the potluck dinner at 12:00 Noon. Observances will be held at the Lebanon Cemetery earlier that morning, weather permitting.

Rhubarb, etc. for sale

WHAT? Local Produce, grown with organic methods (Rhubarb this month)
Flea Market (quality items including: devotional journal, flowerpots of different sizes, vases)

WHERE? At the Coffee Cup parking lot, Summit

WHEN? Saturday, May 28th, 8-Noon

WHY? For your convenience and nutritional benefit

WHO? Marie Peterson (Peterson Produce), and Michael Peterson

1920 Ortley Business Directory

I forgot to mention that in the 1910 Business Directory (posted last week), the population of Ortley is listed as 192 people. It seems that it hit its peak population early.

1920 165 people

Adolph Berkner Grain Buyer
Henry Vollan Drayman
Michael Larson Section Foreman RR.
Andrew Hendrickson Butcher
John Hoag Laborer Elevator
Fred Williams Laborer Ice House
Chancey Cotton Painter
Minnie Cotton Nurse
Martin Rogness Repairman
Matt Hustad Blacksmith
Charles Whitefoot Merchant General Store
George Lasell Attorney Bank
Oscar Fromke Banker
Alma Fromke Teacher Country School
Paul Halvorson Manager Lumber Yard
George Orrock Veterinarian
A. Halvorson Laborer Grain Elevator
George Smith Implement Dealer
W. Smith Operator Telephone
William Aiken Shipper Cream Station
Ralph Aiken Grain Buyer
Floyd Aiken Laborer Elevator
Hans Christianson Salesman General Store
Thomas Stegan Merchant Hardware
John Stegan Clerk Hardware
Arthur Gokey Teacher
Elsie Gokey Teacher
James Bringle Mail Carrier Rural
Leroy Delaney Barber
Jake Thompson Manager Pool Hall
Andrew Payne Manager Garage
Elmer Ackerman Operator Coal Mine
Arthur Payne Asst. Manager Garage
H. Larson Machinist Garage
L. Larson Machinist Garage
Stella Henrickson Teacher, Town School
Earl Evans Manager, Grain Elevator
Ole Thorsgaard Merchant General Merchandise
Carl Melander Postmaster
Hayes Bollman Merchant Dry Goods
Helena Bollman Saleslady Dry Goods
James Carr Manager Hotel
Angie Gleason Servant Private Family
Carl Matgoll Depot Agent
Clarence Gilland Grain Buyer
Asad Trad Laborer Railroad

Friday, May 27, 2005

Ortley Post Office, about 1964

From Ortley native Rev. Brian Davidson:

Attached is a picture from circa 1964 of the Ortley Post Office just after Dad [Lester Davidson of Davidson Oil - ed.] remodeled the inside and painted the outside. This is the building that most people my age remember as the Ortley Post Office, now sitting at the museum in Webster. Unfortunately the picture on their website shows the building after years of neglect.
Milton From shipped a lot of frogs from that building over the years. Dad always made sure that a proper flag was flown each morning and taken down and folded every night.

Ortley Post Office c. 1964

Editor's note: The website Brian mentions is the Museum of Wildlife, Science, and Industry, at

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Clean Up Day


Ortley Cemetery and Ortley Free Lutheran Church Clean Up Day is May 21, 2005 beginning at 9:00 AM. Lunch furnished by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans at BJ's Cafe.

Ortley VFW to host Memorial Day Program

The Ortley VFW Post #2733 will be holding a Memorial Day Program and Potluck dinner on May 30 at BJ's Hall.
The program will be held at 11:00 AM followed by the potluck dinner at 12:00 Noon.

April, 1910 Ortley Business Directory

This list of Ortley business people comes from Ortley town records, courtesy of Town Board Chairman (or mayor, as we usually call him) Elton Davidson. Watch for 1920 and 1930 Directories in the next couple of weeks.

April, 1910

R.E. Sletten Implement Dealer
Oscar Rorning Teacher
John Maine Carpenter
Edward Schultz Editor
Ole Nelson Hotel Keeper
Joseph Paul Butcher
John Popp Asst. Cashier (Bank)
Herman Leader Insurance Salesman
Herbert Augenbach Operator, Railway Station
Charles Telschow Hardware Store
Rutherford Bollman Grocery Store
Vivan Williams Laborer Hotel
Henry Fromelt Banker
Clara Fromelt Saleslady, General Store
John Lawrence Confectionary Store
Charles Howland Carpenter
Paul Halvorson Retail Salesman at Lumberyard
Sandra Halvorson Dressmaker
Frank Long Wheat Buyer, Elevator
Helder Andenox Photograph Gallery
M. Thompson Salesman, Implement
Andrew Hendrickson Butcher, Meat Market
Jacob Thompson Manager, Pool Hall
Oscar Anderson Clerk, Pool Hall
Daniel Glenny Grain Buyer, Elevator
John Morrill Real Estate
Charles Whitefoot General Store
Albert Phillips Doctor
Anna Phillips Saleslady at Drugstore
Charles Hjellming Livery Stable
Louis Eclow Mason
Matt Hustad Blacksmith
Charles Anderson Real Estate
Anna Anderson Millinery
Lena Larson Telephone Office
John Gilland Drayman
Emil Halverson Carpenter
Ole Thorsgaard Manager, General Store
Virgil Branum Grain Buyer (Elevator)
Josephine Granger Teacher
George Gilland Miner Coal

Local Produce, etc.

WHAT? Local Produce, grown with organic methods (Rhubarb this month)
Flea Market (additional quality items this week, including:
a new Woman’s Devotional Journal, clean flowerpots, vases, & “Winnie the Pooh” video)
Pampered Chef kitchen tools

WHERE? At the Coffee Cup parking lot, Summit

WHEN? Friday, May 20th, 2-6PM

WHY? For your convenience and nutritional benefit

WHO? Marie Peterson (Peterson Produce), and Michael Peterson
Ruth Holzerland and Eileen Holzerland (Pampered Chef kitchen consultants)

6-6-1908 Town Board Minutes Part 2

Moved by C.E. Anderson and seconded by A.O. Johnson that the road running between Sec. Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) be divided as follows.
The township to take the one half ½ mile running between the S.E. ¼ of Sec. Twenty (20) and the S.W. ¼ of Section Twenty-one (21)
The Town of Ortley to take the one half ½ mile running between the N.E. ¼ of Section Twenty (20) and the N.W. ¼ of Section Twenty-one (21) Motion carried.
Moved by H. Nelson and seconded by P.H. Halvorson That the Two Miles of road running between Section Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) on the South and Section Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) on the North be divided as follows.
The Township to take the one half mile beginning with the S.W. corner of Section Sixteen (16) and N.W. corner of Section Twenty-one (21) after which the Town of Ortley and the Township take each alternating one half mile to the county line.
Motion carried.

Board of Trustees C.E. Anderson
Town of Ortley (This one is hard for me to read,
but I think it’s I.W. Bouck)
P.H. Halvorson
Town Clerk O.E. Thorsgaard

Chairman A.O. Johnson
Supervisor C.J. Mundt
Supervisor H. Nelson
Township Clerk Wm. J. Theiss

Saturday, May 07, 2005

6-6-1908 Town Board Minutes, Part 1

Busy time of year, but I want to give you at least a little something new this week, so here is the first part of the Town Board Minutes for June 6, 1908:

June 6th 1908.

Special meeting held to divide the road district between the Town of Ortley and the Township
All members present. On motion of P.H. Halvorson Seconded by A.O. Johnson, The part of the road running between section (19) Nineteen and section (20) Twenty on the north end and section (30) Thirty and (29) Twenty-nine on the south.
Were divided as follows.
The Town of Ortley to take all of the road running from the southwest corner of Section Nineteen (19) one and one half miles between Sections Nineteen (19) and Thirty (30) and the S.W. ¼ of Section Twenty (20) and the N.W. ¼ of Section Twenty Nine (29).
The Township to take the rest of the Two miles which runs between the S.E. ¼ of Sec. Twenty (20) and the N.E. ¼ of Sec. Twenty nine (29) To the S.W. corner of Section Twenty one (21).

(June 6 minutes concluded next time)