The Ortley Optic Online

Web address:
P.O. Box 6, Ortley, Roberts County, South Dakota 57256
Est. 2005 -- Michael Peterson, editor
Email: petersoncello at juno dot com

Monday, October 31, 2005

A large donation

Recently a 30-foot cross sculpture by Elmer Petersen was donated by Mr. Roy Utne of Minnesota, and installed at the Ortley Cemetery. The sculpture’s original location was the Lutheran Church of the Master in Edina, Minnesota, where it stood for possibly 40 years before the church was dismantled. Mr. Utne saw that the church building and sculpture were about to be torn down, and obtained the sculpture. Mr. Utne had originally hoped for the sculpture to find a new location near his own church in St. Louis Park, but after those plans fell through he decided to donate it to Ortley, as his parents are buried in the Ortley Cemetery. His father grew up on the A.P. Utne farm 1 ¼ mile south of the cemetery, and in his 20s was a barber in Ortley. Roy reports that he was born in the back of his father’s barber shop!

According to artist Elmer Petersen, “the symbolic cross is an abstract representation of the Master. The shorter form in front of the cross is the disciple, or servant. The half-round shape in between is a kneeling pillow.”

The crossbar of the cross has an unusual design which fit the motif of the original church building it was designed for. To my eyes it is reminiscent of a crown. It is a distinctive looking sculpture, a piece of modern sacred art. As such it has caused a stir in the community, and reactions have varied. But I have heard a number of positive comments, and I believe we ought to thank Mr. Roy Utne, a son of the community, for his great heart of generosity in remembering Ortley in this way. Thank you! Let this gift be a reminder to us of our need to kneel in humble service to the Master.

Cross Sculpture

The sculpture is here pictured at its original location.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Automatic Computer Screen Cleaner

Does your computer screen collect dust? Never fear! Starting right now, the Ortley Optic Online is providing an Automatic Computer Screen Cleaner! Just click the link in this article or on the sidebar to have your screen cleaned at no charge!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Service-To-Music Award

Ortley may be a humble little town, but Ortleyites have many distinguished connections. For example, Marie Peterson's father, William Salzmann of Fishers, Indiana, was recently awarded the Service-To-Music Award, given annually to persons "who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of music and music education in the Central Indiana area." Mr. Salzmann served as an instrumental music teacher in the Indianapolis Public Schools for 30 years, where he "was a teacher of excellence who always had many students winning awards and All-State honors under his tutelage." Mr. Salzmann played oboe in the Indianapolis Symphonic Band for over 25 years, and for the past 45 years he has played oboe and English horn in the Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis, including appearances as soloist. Congratulations, Mr. Salzmann!

Town Board Minutes, February 15, 1909

Special meeting of the town board
February 15 1909. for the purposes
of acting on the rising motion of
S.A. Buck as Alderman from the
second ward. On motion of C.E. Anderson
Mr Buck's resignation were accepted
on motion of P.H. Halvorson
C.S. Cotton were apointed to serve
as alderman during the unexpired term
of S.A. Buck. and untill his sucessor
is elected and has qualified.
on motion carried the following bills were
Wm Aiken for labor on main street 1.00
Matt Hustad repairing scrapers 1.05
Joe Alley Surveying and platting cemetery 25.00
C.E. Anderson for Cash paid D.F. Stevens
for recording plat of cemetery 4.00

Meeting adjourned

O.E. Thorsgaard
Town Clerk

Editor's note: I always feel a bit bad about leaving spelling irregularities as is, but this is straight from the record book, and I'm sure Mr. Thorsgaard would have corrected things in a revised copy. Interesting to note the familiar local name of "Cotton", nearly a century ago.

Halloween Party

A Halloween potluck supper will be held at BJ's Hall in Ortley on October 30 at 6:00 PM.

Somehow I'm reminded of one of my favorite stories from zany comedian Steven Wright. It went something like this (I'm quoting from memory):

"Once I went to a halloween party, and I saw some people there dressed as police officers. I was confused, because I didn't know whether they were real police officers or just people dressed as police officers - which is what real police officers are anyway!"