The Ortley Optic Online

Web address:
P.O. Box 6, Ortley, Roberts County, South Dakota 57256
Est. 2005 -- Michael Peterson, editor
Email: petersoncello at juno dot com

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Local News

Quilting on Wednesdays

Each Wednesday at 2:30 PM, all are welcome to come to BJ's Hall for quilting. You may work on your own project, help on someone else's, or learn how for the first time!

South Shore Hoe-Down

The 4th Saturday of the month is the South Shore Hoe-Down. April active people attending from Ortley were Ray & Barbara Witte, Bill & Jannis Palmer, and Carol Cotton. Entertainment was excellent. -- Willis Palmer

Editor's note: A reminder to all that to submit a local news item, simply call or email me, or drop it off if you catch me on the street.

Ortley Happenings this week April 24-30

Rummage Sale Saturday, April 30

The Ortley Free Lutheran WMF (Women's Missionary Federation) is holding a Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on Saturday, April 30, from 9 AM to 4 PM, at the Ortley Senior Citizens' Center. Supplemental Funds are provided through Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Craft/Bake/Rummage Sale Saturday, April 30

Also on Saturday, April 30, a Craft/Bake/Rummage Sale will be held at BJ's Hall. Table space for vendors is available for rent for $5.00. To reserve a table, call 947-4410 or 947-4300, or inquire at BJ's Cafe.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Today in Ortley History - 4-27-1908 minutes

From the original Ortley Clerk’s Record (peculiarities in spelling and punctuation left intact):

Ortley S.D. April 27th 1908
Special meeting held for the purpose of Electing President of the board of Trustees, and to accept or reject bonds of the other town oficers, on motion of S.A. Buck. C.E. Anderson were duly elected president of the board of trustees.
The following Bonds were accepted by the board.
Bond of V.L. Branum as Assessor.
“ “ Wm Aiken as Marshal
“ “ Carl Melander as Town Treasurer
“ “ O.E. Thorsgaard as Town Clerk.
It was ordained by the board at this meeting that a Sum of $15.00 should be paid in advance each year by Parties maintaining a dray line in the Town of Ortley. It was allso ordained by the board of trustees that owners of dogs within the incorporated limits of the Town of Ortley shall pay a yearly tax or licence of $1.00 for male and $2.00 for female dogs. When such dog tax is paid the owner will receive a numbered tag to be atached to the collar.
Wm Aiken was apointed street commisioners and Pond Master for the town of Ortley
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.

O.E. Thorsgaard

Editor's comment: I wish everyone could see Mr. Thorsgaard's beautiful handwriting. Maybe sometime I can manage to get a portion of it scanned. The page is too big for our scanner.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A beautiful picture from 1921

O.W. and Minnie Peterson

I haven't had any new Ortley pictures to post lately, so I decided to share this beautiful, beautiful 1921 wedding photo of my grandparents, Olaf (O.W. or "Billy") and Minnie (Olson) Peterson. They never lived in the town of Ortley, to my knowledge, but had a rural Ortley address for years, and Grandpa was confirmed at Zion Lutheran Church of Ortley (now Ortley Free Lutheran).

Grandma and Grandpa both died when I was 14, so I only knew them as "old people". It's fascinating to me now to see them as open-faced, hopeful young people in their early 20s, yet with their faces very recognizable.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Election Results

I'm sorry if any Ortleyites from afar have been kept in suspense wondering about the election outcome. In April 12's election, Darlene Olson was the winner at 20 votes, with Barbara Witte receiving 9 votes. Congratulations to Darlene on her reelection victory, and to Barbara on her well-fought campaign.

A strange event happened in connection with the Roberts County Jail bond issue, which you may read about in detail at The Sisseton Courier. County-wide, the vote was 52.4% in favor of the bond issue, which everyone thought was a loss, since it had been announced that a 60% yes vote was necessary for the bond issue to pass. But it was discovered in the 11th hour that the 60% rule doesn't apply to counties, so the bond issue passed.

In the Town of Ortley, Ortley Township, and Alto Township, there were a total of 17 "yes" votes and 25 "no" votes on the bond issue. Some local voters reported that they didn't know about the bond issue until election day or shortly before.

Congratulations to all who chose to participate in the exercise of democracy. Every vote counts!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Election reminder

Just to remind all Ortleyites that an election is coming up this Tuesday, April 12. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Ortley Senior Citizens' Center. Ortley residents will be voting on the town trustee position currently held by Darlene Olson. Olson has served a full term, is running for re-election, and is being challenged by Barbara Witte. Ortley residents will also join the rest of Roberts County in voting on a bond issue for a new jail. The Ortley Optic Online encourages each and every one to vote for the candidate of your choice, and to speak your mind on the bond issue by exercising the electoral franchise which we have in our fair land.

Once upon a time I thought I would be getting the new "issue" out each Tuesday or Wednesday, but more often than not it's been easier to do it on Thursday - Saturday, so that's when to look for it from now on. Thanks again for all the interest that many people have shown in this little project.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Another Main Street picture

Another picture of "Old Ortley", looking South down Main Street.

Old Ortley

Thanks to Keith Christofferson for contributing this image.