The Ortley Optic Online

Web address:
P.O. Box 6, Ortley, Roberts County, South Dakota 57256
Est. 2005 -- Michael Peterson, editor
Email: petersoncello at juno dot com

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Today in Ortley History - 4-27-1908 minutes

From the original Ortley Clerk’s Record (peculiarities in spelling and punctuation left intact):

Ortley S.D. April 27th 1908
Special meeting held for the purpose of Electing President of the board of Trustees, and to accept or reject bonds of the other town oficers, on motion of S.A. Buck. C.E. Anderson were duly elected president of the board of trustees.
The following Bonds were accepted by the board.
Bond of V.L. Branum as Assessor.
“ “ Wm Aiken as Marshal
“ “ Carl Melander as Town Treasurer
“ “ O.E. Thorsgaard as Town Clerk.
It was ordained by the board at this meeting that a Sum of $15.00 should be paid in advance each year by Parties maintaining a dray line in the Town of Ortley. It was allso ordained by the board of trustees that owners of dogs within the incorporated limits of the Town of Ortley shall pay a yearly tax or licence of $1.00 for male and $2.00 for female dogs. When such dog tax is paid the owner will receive a numbered tag to be atached to the collar.
Wm Aiken was apointed street commisioners and Pond Master for the town of Ortley
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.

O.E. Thorsgaard

Editor's comment: I wish everyone could see Mr. Thorsgaard's beautiful handwriting. Maybe sometime I can manage to get a portion of it scanned. The page is too big for our scanner.


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