The Ortley Optic Online

Web address:
P.O. Box 6, Ortley, Roberts County, South Dakota 57256
Est. 2005 -- Michael Peterson, editor
Email: petersoncello at juno dot com

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Election reminder

Just to remind all Ortleyites that an election is coming up this Tuesday, April 12. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Ortley Senior Citizens' Center. Ortley residents will be voting on the town trustee position currently held by Darlene Olson. Olson has served a full term, is running for re-election, and is being challenged by Barbara Witte. Ortley residents will also join the rest of Roberts County in voting on a bond issue for a new jail. The Ortley Optic Online encourages each and every one to vote for the candidate of your choice, and to speak your mind on the bond issue by exercising the electoral franchise which we have in our fair land.

Once upon a time I thought I would be getting the new "issue" out each Tuesday or Wednesday, but more often than not it's been easier to do it on Thursday - Saturday, so that's when to look for it from now on. Thanks again for all the interest that many people have shown in this little project.


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